Lets together make a difference...

United Students, a Delhi University based neutral group would be working on various issues in the coming months and requires active participation from all of you. If you are ready to go out in the open and make a difference, contact any of our coordinators who will further guide you.
United Students has been already campaigning for issues like Reservations,Jessica Lall and Priyadarshini Mattoo Case,RTI,Campus security etc.
Currently we are campaigning for the registration of Voter ID Cards in DU.
Since the organisation is volunatry, time commitment is flexible.
For Further Details Contact :-
Dhruv Suri - dhruvsuri@gmail.com
Aaditya Dar - aadityadar@gmail.com
Nikhita Arora - nikhita_arora@yahoo.co.in
Aditya Raj Kaul - adityarajkaul@gmail.com
Devika Mallik - devika_malik@yahoo.com
United Students -
E-mail - unitedstudents.india@gmail.com
Website - www.unitedstudents.tk
United Students @ ORKUT
Blog - www.unitedstudents.blogspot.com
Please spread this message to all your friends...